Thursday, October 30, 2008

Survey Says...

Here's just a quick thing that I've been trying to think about the past couple days...

Being up in Boston, people back home always ask me how are things going. I usually just say good and tell them when exactly I'll be home to visit. Or whenever I meet someone for dinner or a Bible study we usually start by asking how each other's week is going. I'd say a majority of people throw out a "good" or "fine" without even thinking about it. But now I just can get this issue out of my head- what determines "good" or "bad?" Is it how classes are going? How many dates I've gone on? How many Bible chapters I've read? I just don't know what to think about this whole thing anymore.

With all that, I could use some help. Leave me a comment with some thoughts about this whole thing of "good" and "bad." Who knows, maybe we'll all figure something out.


Ted Kriwiel said...

First of all, It definitely depends on the person.

If Your Mom asks, how Are you doing?

It may mean, is your health okay?, are you remembering to brush your teeth and wash your underwear, are you eating enough? should I send you cookies?

In which a simple answer of "good" may not be sufficient.

If on the other a complete stranger asks you, How are you doing? they actually would pry prefer you just say good. They don't care if you washed your underwear. a simple "good" will probably suffice.

And on my third hand, If i ask you how your doing, I want to know who's the new girl?

And in this case, all I would need is a name.

Oh and I might be wondering what the Lord is doing in your life as well...

Robert said...

Well... in Christ all things are working for the good.

So the technical answer is always good, but how we feel about the situations is a different matter.