Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Another Perspective

I've always been a big fan of Paul's epistles and all the stories in Acts about the things he did. Every time I read through that book I spend a great deal of time just meditating on what it would be like to been around in that period of history. Fresh off the life of Jesus and His ministry, the apostles entered into a time of just pure excitement. The spread of the Gospel rested solely upon their shoulders even with persecution right in their face. Just think about how awesome it would have been to share in those experiences.

Let me just take some time to quote how great of a time this was.
Acts 2:41 "Those who accept his (Peter) message were baptized, and about three thousand were added to their number that day."

Verse 43 "Everyone was filled with awe, and many wonders and signs were done by the apostles."

Acts 3:1-10 with the story of Peter and John healing a crippled beggar.

There's a little kicker when you read the story of the healed beggar.

After this man starts jumping and dancing around people start looking at him and wonder what the heck happened. Peter, the bold apostle he is, starts asking everybody why they are so surprised? That question kind of takes me back a bit. In my little realm of faith, how am I not surprised? I think Peter was operating on a whole different level though. It's all about our perspective. It's about what point of view we're coming from. Peter's coming from the perspective of Christ and the bigger picture with the glory of God. Most of us instead come from the perspective of how it's all going to affect our own glory and ego. Just take that and really examine which perspective you think you're operating in.

What would those early apostles think and say about the world today?

Honestly, I have no idea what they would think. Would they seem how plentiful the harvest is? (Matthew 9). Or instead would they be slightly appalled at the situation in the world today? I'll let you all determine what their response would be.

1 comment:

Ted Kriwiel said...

Thomas, that was an excellent post.