Matthew 18:3
And he said: "I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven."
It seems lately that I have found such amazement in God's working both in and around me. It is a miracle to be able to recognize it and another miracle entirely to have faith that He's still at work even when I haven't picked up on it yet.
Now I must admit for I feel rather silly since these moments of awe aren't the seeing Him hold back the Red Sea or watching water flow out of a rock, but incredibly child-like.
"Wow God, You can really do that?" is a typical question of mine followed by His loving response of "Yes, my son, don't worry."
Like I said, totally three-year-old-ish.
Sometimes the wording of my question shifts when I look back on events and finally see His work to more of a "Oh, hey, You were right there in the middle of it the entire time, weren't You?
Once more, followed with a heartfelt reassurance from Him.
I confess, sometimes I feel dumb for even thinking of asking Him such questions. I get critical of myself for not having that seemingly minimal mental capacity of knowing He is always at work in my life, but seemingly is such a big snag there. Then right at that time is when I usually get His answer which just fills me with awe and warmth. It truly is just a wondrous thing to rest in amazement of Him.
I remember back to one evening where I was driving and coming across the top of this hill I saw the most amazing sunset. The horizon was filled with bold reds and oranges and deep purples and blues. The clouds formed a magnificent silhouette and the little child rose up in me asking "You created all that?" After receiving His overwhelming peace and joy, I slowed my speed dramatically just to soak up the scene and the amazement that came with it.
So I encourage everyone to go out and ask Him silly questions that a three-year-old might come up with; ones such as "You can do that?" or "You actually do love me?" Then rest in His love and grace that is His answer.
Matthew 11:25-26
At that time Jesus said, "I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and learned, and revealed them to little children. Yes, Father, for this was your good pleasure."